Destination Featured NewsOctober 16, 2023

7th Islamic finance forum 2023

MedaWeek23 is set to make its return next month, taking place at La Llotja in Barcelona. An exciting highlight of this event is the Islamic Finance Forum scheduled for the 16th of November, running from 09:30 to 10:30. This forum is a testament to the remarkable growth and evolution of the Islamic financial industry in recent years, solidifying its status as one of the fastest-growing segments in the global financial landscape.

The Mediterranean region, where this event will unfold, plays a pivotal role in the world economy, functioning as a crucial nexus for trade and commerce between Europe, Asia, and Africa. The best part? Participation is open to all, and the event is free. So, don’t miss the chance to be a part of this collaborative effort aimed at shaping the future of the Mediterranean.

Save the dates, November 15th and 16th, and secure your spot by registering at It’s an opportunity to be part of something significant and make an impact on the Mediterranean’s economic landscape.