Featured NewsDecember 14, 2021

‘Jamil!’: DOST-ITDI will display halal-compliant cosmetics

The Industrial Technology Development Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-ITDI) will hold this year’s Technology Offering online on Tuesday, December 14, with the goal of showcasing its developed halal-compliant beauty products.

“LET’S TALK JAMIIL: Halal Personal Care (Exploring the Muslim World of Beauty)” is the theme of the technology offering.

“The event will showcase ITDI-developed halal-compliant beauty products such as moisturizing lipstick, lip balm, herbal whitening toothpaste, moisturizing and lightening soap, and shampoo with hair-growing properties,” the DOST-ITDI said in a statement.

The Institute said the products “are formulated in accordance with the Malaysian Standard 2634:2019 Halal Cosmetics General Requirement and follow the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to ensure quality and safe product development process.”

Dr. Anabelle V. Briones, Director of the OST-ITDI, will greet all attendees and officials from the agency.

The event will be keynoted by DOST Secretary Fortunato T. De La Pea, with DOST Undersecretary for Research and Development Dr. Rowena Cristina L. Guevara delivering an inspirational message.

Dr. Zorayda V. Ang, ITDI’s Deputy Director for Administrative and Technical Services (ATS), has been tasked with providing an overview of online activity.

Guest speakers include market research expert Dr. Dave D. Centeno and technology adopter Monica Ronda.

Ronda, a halal-compliant moisturizing lipstick, hair growth promoting shampoo, and moisturizing and lightening soap technology adopter, will share her experiences in order to guide and encourage other potential industry players to adopt the technology.

“2021 Technology Offering: Halal Personal Care encourages everyone, both Muslims and Non-Muslims from the local industry, the academe, stakeholders, and entrepreneurs, to join and partake of what the technology has to offer,” the ITDI said.

“Living beautiful and healthy is achievable using ITDI’s Halal compliant products.”