Destination Featured NewsJune 7, 2021

Halal sector propels Indonesian economy in positive direction

According to the Bank Indonesia Sharia Economic and Financial Report, the halal sector had shown good resilience during the pandemic, as it had only recorded a correction of 1.7 percent at a time when the nation had registered an economic contraction of 2.1 percent.

Moegiarso noted that Indonesia, as a country with the largest Muslim majority population in the world, had vast potential for developing the halal sector.

The total consumption of halal products for the Indonesian population in 2025 is estimated to reach US$218.8 billion, or grow 5.3 percent annually.

Based on the State of the Global Islamic Economy Report 2020-2021, according to the Global Islamic Economic Indicator, Indonesia ranked fourth in the world, or rose one level from the earlier year’s position.

Moegiarso noted that the government had issued governmental Regulation (PP) Number 39 of 2021 on the Implementation of Halal Product Guarantees that was part of the implementation of Law Number 11 of 2020 on Job Creation.

“The PP is expected to offer convenience and certainty to all business actors to obtain halal certification,” he pointed out.

Moreover, the government has bolstered its commitment to developing MSMEs through the issuance of Government Regulation Number 7 of 2021 on Ease, Protection, and Empowerment of Cooperatives and MSMEs.

This step was taken since the halal sector is mostly run by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), such as in the NTB Province.

Moegiarso remarked that the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) had designated NTB as one of the 10 halal tourism destinations whose development would be expedited.

The 2019 Indonesia Muslim Travel Index (IMTI) report showed Lombok NTB ranking first for Muslim-friendly tourist destinations.

This achievement is in line with the international recognition that Lombok received as the World Best Halal Tourism Destination on the occasion of the World Halal Travel Summit 2015.

Moegiarso stated that through the collaboration of local governments and central government policies, halal tourism in NTB is expected to develop and serve as a reference for the development of tourism destinations in other areas.

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