Investment Opportunities in The Maldives: New Islands on Tender

On 8th April 2021, The Government of Maldives represented by the Ministry
of Tourism has announced public tendering for the lease, development,
opera􀆟on and management of Tourist Resorts in 23 uninhabited islands.
A pre-bid meeting to provide information for interested parties was held on 29th April 2021, with over 90 participants registered from all over the world.

In line with the pledge to reduce Carbon Emissions in the country; during the bid evaluation process, marks will be awarded accordingly to those aiming for Low Carbon Development through Renewable Energy Usage and Energy Efficiency propositions.

Additionally, negative marks are proposed to discourage unsustainable
practices, namely the construction of harbors; clearance of natural
vegetation greater than 40% and the proposing of reclama􀆟on for
reclamation restricted islands.

The government of the Maldives has also given utmost priority to the
Socio-Economic factors that result from such development projects;
therefore marks will be allocated towards increased Gender Parity and Local Staff Parity respectively.

Further priority will also be given towards parties who propose a high
contribution to the Tourism Trust Fund / Training Fund.

Originally posted on: Maldives Tourism Bulletin Issue