Featured NewsJune 30, 2024

MWP Receives Recognition under EqualityX Influential Muslim Lists 2024

Muslim Women Professionals (MWP) has been selected under EqualityX – Top 25 Inclusive Muslim Employers, Influential Muslims Europe, UK and Americas as one of their Top 10 Muslim Employee Networks of 2024 worldwide.

EqualityX was established to celebrate outstanding Muslim talent and champion the achievements of inclusive Muslim employers. The Influential Muslims lists recognise professionals leading and shaping debates both within their chosen field and beyond.

Muslim Women Professionals (MWP) is the fastest growing nonprofit & network empowering Muslim women through professional development. MWP is committed to uplifting Muslim women everywhere – whether it’s being able to start their own businesses, advance in their career journey, or become leaders within their field.

This recognition is a testament to our commitment to empowerment, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace. At Muslim Women Professionals, we strive to create a supportive community where talents thrive and voices are heard. Being named among the top networks globally reaffirms the impact of our collective eforts infostering a culture of excellence and opportunity.

This milestone is not iust an accolade; it’s a reflection of the dedication and passion of our members and allies. Together, we are breaking barriers. championing change, and paving the way for Muslim women everywhere.