Destination Featured Lifestyle NewsNovember 21, 2023

Malaysia inbound Chinese Association (MICA) Successfully Launched 𝗜t’s Muslim-Friendly Malaysia Tourism Packages

ITC congratulates MICA on the successful creation and marketing of 24 precisely tailored Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Hospitality (MFTH) packages in China. This significant milestone was highlighted at the China International Travel Market (CITM), which will be held from November 17 to 19, 2023, at the Kunming International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Madam Rohaya Ayob, Deputy Consul of the Malaysian Consulate in Kunming; Dr Yasmeen Yasim, Undersecretary, Tourism Policy Division, Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia (MOTAC); Mr Nizran Noordin, Director-General of the Islamic Tourism Centre; and Mr Isma Nizam, Deputy Director of Tourism Malaysia’s Guangzhou Office were present to witness the launch.

This laudable performance is a direct result of Tourism Malaysia’s extremely profitable sales expedition in China in September, which included ITC and MICA. The trip, led by Deputy Minister of MOTAC YB Khairul Firdaus Akbar Khan, lay the groundwork for this collaborative effort.

Within three months, the collaboration progressed from meetings to an ITC-organized Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Hospitality (MFTH) Competency Training for MICA members in Kuala Lumpur from November 1 to 3, 2023, to the final development and launch of these MFTH packages for Chinese Muslim tourists.

This collaborative effort demonstrates MOTAC’s, Tourism Malaysia’s, MICA’s, and ITC’s commitment to advancing MFTH, and it strengthens our partnership in promoting cultural and heritage exchange and enriching travel experiences between Malaysia and China.