NewsNovember 30, 2021

Asda and Morrisons start selling halal turkeys

United Kingdom: Supermarket sales of halal turkeys are being initiated by Asda and Morrisons.

The birds will be sold in stores where demand is highest. These birds were slaughtered to meet religious requirements. The company behind the move is Humza, a frozen food company.

Although 1.5 million Muslims shop in supermarkets in the UK, it is estimated that independent butchers sell more than three-quarters of halal meat.

Half of the Muslims questioned in a survey mentioned that they would purchase halal turkey if they were obtainable from a major grocery franchise.

A 4-5kg turkey will cost you around £16. A crown weighing between 1.8 and 2 kilograms will cost £14.50.

Dr Saliha Mahmood Ahmed, Humza brand ambassador and 2017 BBC MasterChef winner, said: “Although I always make a big celebratory meal on Christmas day, I have found it difficult to source a halal turkey in the past and have sometimes resorted to cooking duck.

“These new products will provide greater choice for Muslim families who want to participate in the British tradition of enjoying a roast turkey meal on Christmas day.

“Turkey is not a meat that we, as a culture, have a great deal of experience cooking with, so the majority of questions directed at me are simply – how do I cook this?

“And then, it is very much about knowing the technique, learning how to add spice, color, and depth of flavor.”

“These new products will provide greater choice for Muslim families who want to participate in the British tradition of enjoying a roast turkey meal on Christmas day.”