General Manager of Velaa Resort Wayne Milgate launched a waste management program during a ceremony which was held in Noonu Velidhoo. The program goes by the name “Fehi Kuramaa” which means “Lets make it Green”. This ceremony was attended by the presidents of the Noonu Atoll Council and the administrative islands of Noonu Atoll.
The goal of this program is to promote awareness about sustainable waste management among students and island residents. This program also falls under Velaa Island Resorts corporate social responsibility. More programs will be held in 13 administrative islands through out November. All of the seminars in this program will be led by professionals in waste management.
At the event held, Milgate stated that tourism is one of the main parts of the Maldivian economy, and that efforts must be made to prevent the loss of the beauty of the country. To achieve this goal, waste management is critical on all Maldives islands, he said.
Athif Hussain, the president of the Velidhoo Council, stated that waste management is vital for the entire country, particularly Velidhoo, and that it is essential to instill waste management awareness in children at a young age.
Two awareness sessions were held on Monday for children and adults at Noonu Atoll Education Centre. More than 400 schoolchildren and adults attended both the sessions. During these seminars, information on the three R’s of waste management (reduce, reuse, and recycle) was provided. They talked about how to separate and use waste in different ways, in addition to emphasizing the need of recycling.